
Wednesday, 28 June 2017

For the past 3 weeks our math has been focused on the Lions Tour. So we have planned a 40 day trip to New Zealand as a Lions fan. My favorite part about this is doing the budgeting. 
Here is the link to my Google Sheet.

100 Word Challenge

This weeks 100 Word Challenges prompt was, The weather changed dramatically... This week I was focusing on using semi-colons and using descriptive langue. I hope you enjoy!

The rain continuously drizzled down the old window creating more condensation. The rain was hitting the roof creating a rhythm that I was sick of.I slowly pulled the blanket over me and scuffed my face with warm buttery popcorn. Why did this day have to be so miserable? But then the weather changed dramatically… The rain had stopped ;the condensation on the window disappeared and the sun peaked out from behind the clouds. I quickly jumped in the car and grabbed my togs. The water was so refreshing against my face. This was better than sitting on the couch!

Monday, 19 June 2017

100 Word Challenge Week 8

This weeks prompt was about this photo that we had to tell a story about. There was a creme egg that was pouring out with workers surrounding it. My goal for this week was to hook the reader in and use more interesting language.

Workers watched in despair as the creamy substance leaked out of the the unknown object.Not knowing what to we just stood there. After about a minute of watching it , now ankle deep in this weird sapping texture I had had enough. I gently reached down and scoop the thick substance into my cold hands.The warm creamy liquid  coated my hands in delight. I pulled my hands up to my face and licked the unknown smoothness. The creamy texture attracted my taste buds in satisfaction. What is this heavenly treat? I must share this ravishing object with the world?

Friday, 9 June 2017

100 Word Challenge

Every Monday we have a new creative writing challenge called The 100 Word Challenge. I really enjoyed doing this because it was challenging and a creative why to write.I think that this is a good writing challenge for my learning because It makes me have to think outside of the box to come up with new ideas. This weeks prompt is "The water just keep gushing."

Sailing across the ocean,hearing the sound of the waves crashing against the boat was Luke's life. But he still had to work continuously fixing every niggly thing on the boat. Luke was a very nosey kid so on his breaks he would go exploring. There infront of him was a rustic door with a silver plate that had engraved in big loud letters DO NOT ENTER. This didn’t stop Luke. He bashed and banged with all his might.The door opened and Luke went flying into the wall.Suddenly lights flashed,sirens went but the water just keep gushing...

About Me

This week Miss Blair introduced us to piktochart. We made posters about some things about ourselves for our first blog post.  What I learnt was there are more ways to share your learning than just using docs or slides.I enjoyed making this poster because It was something different and something new to me. If I were to do it again I would probably try using different fonts or icons. I hope you like my poster.